
The process to File an Auto Accident Lawsuit in Katy



The process to File an Auto Accident Lawsuit in Katy

Katy lies about 30 miles outside Houston in Texas, and although it is a relatively small town, it sees heavy traffic as it lies at the convergence of three counties. Katy has traffic from Waller, Harris, and Fort Bend and the roads get very busy during the peak hours. As a result, auto accidents are not entirely uncommon here. If you find yourself in such a situation, you can file an auto accident lawsuit in Katy car accident lawyer help. Here is a brief guide to the process. 

  • Reporting the Incident

The first thing you should do is report the accident at the nearest police station and conduct the primary investigation. The police will document all the findings in their report, presented later in the court.

  • Seek Medical Help

Depending on how injured you are, you should immediately seek medical attention. If a person is grievously injured, then someone on the spot usually calls 911 for assistance. Ensure you or your family stays in touch with the doctors, and you keep a full record of the reports, diagnosis, and medical bills. All of this will be required when you file the lawsuit and claim compensation for your injuries. 

  • Do Not Admit Your Fault or Accept an Offer

When you are in an accident, and it is the other party’s fault, they will often try to hush up the matter by coaxing you into getting into an out of court settlement. Do not accept any such offers. Also, no matter what the circumstances were, never admit that it was your fault that led to the accident. All of this will be used as evidence against you when you file the lawsuit. 

  • Hire an Auto Accident Lawyer in Katy

It is only natural that you would be too shaken after an accident. In Katy, a car accident lawyer will help you with the paperwork, gather evidence, and make sure that the witnesses testify correctly. There were almost 600 reported accidents in Katy in 2018, and by 2020, they had increased by 45%. Auto accident lawyers are well versed in the county’s laws, and they will help you get adequate compensation for it. 

Katy has modified comparative negligence rules, something that is applicable to all areas in Texas. The lawyer will help you take full advantage of the rules to get you the compensation. As long as you are not primarily responsible, which will be proven subject to investigation, you can claim your compensation. 

The compensation amount will go down in proportion depending on your degree of fault if you are partially responsible for the accident. In Katy, Texas, the statute of limitations is two years if you want to file a lawsuit and claim compensation. 

Katy is smaller than 12,000 square miles and is home to less than 20,000 people. The traffic that passes through it is very high because it intersects with many roads from various counties. A lawyer will represent your case in the best possible light and prevent the other party from making light of it. 

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