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The Missouri Workers Compensation Chart



The Missouri Workers Compensation Chart

The Missouri Workers Compensation Chart

When an employee is injured on the job, the employer must provide medical treatment and pay for any related bills. The worker is also entitled to mileage reimbursement for trips to see a doctor outside the local area.

The amount of compensation that can be awarded in Missouri workers’ comp cases depends on the type and severity of injuries. The state uses a workers’ compensation chart to determine how much an injured employee will receive for disability benefits.

Schedule of Losses

The Schedule of Losses is a tool that helps Missouri workers determine how much compensation they can receive. It is an important part of the workers’ comp system because it allows employees to receive financial assistance after being injured on the job.

Using the Schedule of Losses can be confusing and frustrating, so it is important to consult with an experienced attorney.

For instance, a worker who is injured at work may have a certain number of weeks of WC benefits based on the body part involved. For example, a loss of an arm at the shoulder results in 232 weeks of PPD (232+10%).

In addition, Missouri pays additional PP for serious and permanent disfigurement of the head, neck, hands or arms. Depending on the extent of the injuries, a victim might receive up to 40 weeks of WC benefits.

Temporary Total Disability

If you are injured at work and are unable to return to your job, you may be entitled to temporary total disability benefits. These are tax-free and can help you cover the difference between what you were earning and what you are able to earn while your recovery progresses.

Temporary total disability payments are paid on a weekly basis up to a maximum amount. This is calculated by taking two-thirds of your average weekly wage as of the date of your injury, up to a certain rate.

Permanent partial disability is a similar process but is based on compensation rate, the injured body part and a percentage of your disability. This is a very useful tool because it allows you to calculate how much you are potentially entitled to in compensation.

Permanent Total Disability

If you can no longer work because of a job-related injury, you may be entitled to permanent disability benefits. These are different from temporary total and partial disability benefits.

The Missouri workers compensation chart will help determine how much you are entitled to based on your level and percentage of disability. However, it’s important to understand that this formula is not perfect.

If your permanent disability resulted from exposure to toxic substances, you will need medical physician testimony and other evidence to show how much compensation is owed. These types of cases are often more difficult to prove than regular workers’ compensation claims, so an experienced attorney can help you maximize your settlement.

Permanent Partial Disability

There are a few different ways that states calculate permanent partial disability benefits. Some rely on the nature and extent of a worker’s impairments, while others focus on lost earnings.

Once the doctor has given you a “rating” of how much your injury is affecting a certain body part, you take that rating and multiply it by a number assigned on a state-made schedule (called a body part list) to determine how many weeks of compensation you are entitled to.

Then, you multiply that number of weeks by 60% of your average weekly wage to get your total amount owed to you. In Missouri, this means that a person who loses his or her hand will be owed 175 weeks of compensation. That means a payment of $73,500!

Death Benefits

Death Benefits are compensation for loss of income, medical expenses, funeral and burial costs. In most cases, these benefits are equal to two-thirds of the average weekly wage up to a maximum amount that changes annually.

Survivors of a deceased employee are eligible for workers’ comp death benefits. They include the surviving spouse, dependent children and parents.

The surviving spouse can claim death benefits for up to 500 weeks, or 9 and 1/2 years. Surviving children can receive death benefits until they turn 21 or 23 if they are students.

Survivors are also entitled to funeral and burial expenses. The compensation for these expenses can range from $5,000 to $85,000, depending on the state.

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