
Ask for a plea bargain on hiring a professional criminal lawyer to reduce charges




With the arrest of your dear one for a felony comes several questions. What are the possible convicted charges? Are there any possibilities of jail? Is imprisonment the only future? Do you have the chance to fight the case? Can you reduce the changes? You can get the answer to all these questions from criminal defense lawyers in St. Petersburg. A highly qualified professional who can support you throughout the lawsuit.

What are the various types of criminal cases?

Criminal acts are of different categories depending on the severity of the offense. You can fall in trouble for petty theft to major crimes like drug trafficking. However, every judiciary system in the US state has different federal courts for various crimes. Each felony is separate but, some of the leading causes for which you might face lawsuit are:

  • Drug crimes
  • Driving under influence crimes
  • Sex crimes
  • Domestic violence crimes
  • Robbery and property crimes
  • Juvenile crimes
  • White-collar crimes
  • Internet crimes
  • Violence crimes
  • Speeding and moving violations
  • Misdemeanors

The team of criminal lawyers helps in protecting the rights of any person. Do not fall under the trap and consider that your case will dismiss due to the failure of Miranda rights. Whether the police read the Miranda right to you or not, you always have federal rights during custody.

What are Miranda rights?

The Miranda rights are a set of instructions given to the suspect at the time of custody who may/may not have committed a criminal act. The importance of Miranda rights is only at the time of custodian interrogation. This act aims to make the suspect aware of their rights and avoid any wrong statements that might add more trouble. The rights are as follows:

  • You have the right to remain silent during interrogation.
  • Any information or detail you share becomes official. It can become a statement against you in court law.
  • You have the federal right to hire an attorney in your defense.
  • You have the right to proceed with the interrogation in the presence of your attorney.
  • You have the right to get free attorney support if you cannot afford one.
  • You have the right to waive off your silence before or even during the interrogation.
  • You have the right to invoke the attorney’s presence during custodian interrogation, and therefore no interrogation happens until then.

How can a criminal lawyer help?

When you hire a criminal lawyer, you get legal support from a qualified team. When you are a layperson and unaware of your right or judiciary system, seeking a professional attorney’s help is wise. You get an assurance of fair judgment from the criminal justice system. Your attorney will analyze the case details and look for possibilities to reduce charges and the chances of imprisonment. You don’t worry about collecting evidence to support your case.

The criminal defense lawyer represents all the court trials. You get regular information on your legal options to work on the reduction of charges. The team of lawyers also helps in working on the negotiation plea by presenting a solid and positive case in front of the jury.

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