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The Psychological and Emotional Effects of Divorce



Psychological and Emotional Effects of Divorce

Psychological and Emotional Effects of Divorce

Divorce is a powerful and complex issue. A divorce can have an emotional or psychological impact on not only the two people who are divorcing, but also their children, extended family members, and friends. It’s important to understand these effects so that you know how best to cope with divorce in your own life or help someone else through it.

If your partner has decided not to share custody of their child with you or if divorce proceedings have to lead up this point, it’s time to consult a divorce lawyer about what steps need to be taken next (and keep in mind that while we’ve focused on general information here, each case might depend on different factors). A divorce lawyer may help answer any questions you don’t understand as well as guide you through legal proceedings such as drafting documents and appearing before a court. It’s also important when looking into lawyers that they specialize in divorce.

If you are the spouse who is divorcing, it’s important to understand that you may experience a number of different emotional or psychological responses. You might feel rejection, anger, guilt for leaving your marriage partner and possibly their children. In addition, there can be feelings of abandonment if the other person has decided to end the relationship; this is especially true when children are involved in divorce as they form a close bond with both parents and will often miss one parent very much following separation. It also can be difficult to start over again without any support system because people tend not only to take care of themselves physically but socially as well during divorce proceedings. Additionally, some emotions or reactions such as relief after finally taking action on something long overdue sometimes accompany these feelings.

Psychological and Emotional Effects

The psychological and emotional effects of divorce are often overlooked, but they can be just as important to address as financial or parenting issues. This post explores the common feelings people experience after going through a separation.


One of the first things that many people feel is shock over what has happened. You might find it difficult even to process how you got here in such a short amount of time, much less start planning for your future on your own again. The days following an ultimatum like this will likely feature some crying spells mixed with moments where you have no idea why you’re feeling so sad about something that was inevitable anyway – especially if there were already warning signs beforehand. All these emotions may make it hard to function.

Ending a Relationship

Breaking up with someone you love is painful no matter what, but ending an entire marriage can feel like the end of your world. You might find it difficult to imagine yourself as single or enjoy any time spent on your own while you adjust to this new life situation, so make sure that friends and family are there for support. The general feeling is one of emptiness because even if you were in a bad marriage before now – at least then the pain had company. It’s common during these times to think about all of those things that still need to be done; not just packing boxes or figuring out where to live next month, but also looking into whether custody arrangements will change soon. This could be another catalyst for some tears.


Anger is a natural response to all of the changes happening in your life, but many people find that it can be hard to control. As you adjust and come to terms with what has happened, anger might build up as it’s stored away for future use – so try not to suppress this feeling too much. It may help if you write down or talk through everything that makes you angry; venting proved helpful during our own divorce process because we were able to completely articulate why things made us mad without any fear of upsetting each other (plus you’ll have something ready when an argument happens). This will also give some perspective on how long these feelings will last since they are just another stage in the healing process.


This is a feeling of angst that might come over you in waves, something that accompanies sadness and anger. The term “angst” often describes the uncomfortable emotional state of not knowing what will happen next or how your life will turn out – as it’s been turned completely upside down by divorce proceedings.


Sadness can be emotion with two sides because while on one hand there is a sense of relief from finally being set free, there are also deep feelings about everything that has changed for both parties involved. You may feel at peace when reading through old photos or hearing songs from happier times which makes this melancholy experience easier to bear but others find themselves sobbing uncontrollably throughout these moments. These tears can heal wounds and help you reflect on happier times.


Anxiety can be a real problem for many people after going through a divorce, not only because it’s already hard to deal with this kind of change but also because there are so many things that need your attention right now. This is especially true if children are involved or property needs to be divided in some way – which means more legal advice might become necessary as well and the worry about what will happen next never seems to end. It may feel like every day you’re fighting against something new, even when nothing has changed since last night. Find someone who understands how anxiety works (and maybe take up meditation) and always remember that these feelings won’t last forever.

Mental Health

Divorce is a lot to process and it’s natural for some people to feel embarrassed or ashamed of the emotions that come up during this time. After all, you’re not supposed to cry in front of others (especially kids) right? But these feelings are OK because they show how human we really are – something everyone can relate to. Be sure to reach out if things start getting worse, whether through therapy sessions with someone trained in mental health issues or by connecting with other parents going through a divorce who may know what you’re feeling even if your children don’t understand yet.

The Future

You might still be at a point where everything feels like it’s changing every day but while there will always be difficult moments ahead as you adjust, it’s important to remember that there will always be a future. The best thing you can do is enjoy the moment and make sure your children know how much they are loved – for tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone.

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