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Canadian Super Visa- Things You Need To Know About It



There is a high chance that you have wandered into this section of the Internet searching about Canadian super visa rules and regulations. Well, if that has been the issue here, then the Internet has brought you to the right place. Here we are going to talk all about how you can get a Canadian super visa and what are the requirements for it. We are going to keep a special lookout on its medical insurance and information related to it as well. So then what is the wait about? Let’s take a scroll through it!

Immigrate to canada

Immigrate to canada

What is the super visa?

What we need to start with is a simple yet proper description of what exactly a super visa is. For starters, the super visa is valid till 10 years after its issue. It is a multi-entry visa and can be used by grandparents and parents of citizens of Canada. Similar rule goals for permanent residents of Canada as well. They can enter the country for two years at a time via this rule. There are some criteria that you must fulfill to be eligible for the Super visa. Below given are the criteria that a visitor must fulfill. You can get more information at

  1. First and foremost, they must be a parent or a grandparent of a Canadian permanent resident or a citizen of Canada.
  2. They must have permission to enter Canada.
  3. Proof of the fact that the host has a minimum amount of income required to support all of them.
  4. The host must provide a written statement that they will be taking full responsibility for their parent or grandparent and supply for them financially.
  5. The person who wants to enter the territories of Canada also has to go through an immigration medical examination.
  6. They also must have valid Canadian medical insurance that lasts for at least a year and is of the value of $100, 000.
  7. Their arrival will also be followed by a thorough police inquiry or check out examining the authentication of the person.

Canada health insurance plans:

Government Health Insurance Plans is the place where the safety of our people is supposed to function vibrantly. Rather committed to work in various places, including Canada. Here are some of the places where such services are also available.

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Nunavut
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon

There are various specific costs that you will have to incur regarding medical care in Canada. But Government Health Insurance Plans makes it a bit easier by guiding us properly. You can also get detailed information on such matters in public hospitals in Canada.



Canadian Emergency Medical Insurance Coverage:

We all need this as visitors do not come under the usual plan of the GHIP. The insurance plan for the visitors can only be sanctioned if they have the following criteria fulfilled.

  1. They must provide coverage of either $100, 000 or more.
  2. The plan must cove4 all of the visitor’s or visitors’ health care, hospitalization, repatriation as well.
  3. The plan must be in action for a year. From the day they came into the territories of America.
  4. This coverage will have to renew every year unforgettable.

FAQs regarding emergency medical insurance:

If the visitor is to fly in just for a period of say around 3 or so months, would they still require the insurance of 1 year? Well yes, there is such a rule and thus is meant to be followed. They will also have to renew the same after a year is completed.

What is the procedure if a visitor is to fly multiple times within the ten years when the super visa is valid?

In such a case like the above, you will have to purchase a corresponding coverage plan from the government of Canada Requirements. This however not a very economical option to fly in every other day.

What to do when in need of emergency medical insurance?

In this regard, the only important and the most crucial thing to remember is to get yourself a licensed broker. That would be the first step to the process.

 Emergencies covered under the medical insurance plans:

To make it easier for you, we have enlisted some of the major services that are covered under the insurance plans. Read here and know more at

  1. Semi-private emergency hospitalization
  2. Repatriation worth up to $10, 000.
  3. A month of emergency prescription medication
  4. Emergency dental coverage
  5. Coverage for side-trips on their way to visit Canada

What does the VTC premiere plan consist of for us?

  1. Up to the plan limits, you can and will be served with emergency medical services.
  2. They will also be granted semi-private emergency hospitalization.
  3. You are also eligible for 30 days of prescribed medication
  4. Emergency dental coverage also comes under the plan

It may seem a bit far fetched right now. But once you get you to understand the system in detail it is not so hard. The trick is to keep yourself updated with your documentation. The moment your documentation is updated you will always be notified about any upcoming activity that you must attain in the light of keeping your Super Visa.

Another thing that is probably clear by now is that the hard part is not to obtain the visa but to keep it. The most important aspect is renewal as amidst all kinds of work that is something that may get missed. The rules and regulations are all in favor of the visitor provided he or she is responsible enough individual.

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