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How I Remedied My Insomnia Using A Hot Tub



Hot Tub

Hot Tub

Insomnia is not a joke. Recently, I came across a study correlating a better night’s sleep with the use of hot tubs. Because I had been struggling with sleep deprivation for years, I quickly looked up the best option I could afford on TubHQ. Within a week, I had installed a portable hot tub in my backyard. Here’s a brief overview of my experience.

They Are Relaxing

Even before I started monitoring the effects of regular hot tub use on my sleep, I was very impressed with how relaxed I felt. After a long workout, I found it easy to take a quick rinse in the shower and get into the hot tub. The increased temperature helped relieve pain in my sore muscles, even any back pain I had from sitting at a desk all day.

Hot Tubbing Before Bed: The Science Behind It

When you use a hot tub, your body temperature rises ever so slightly. That slight increase in temperature is significant, because after getting out of the hot tub, your body needs to bring down its temperature again. That increase followed by a decrease, especially before bed time, is helpful in getting you to fall asleep faster. It mimics the natural fluctuations in temperature that your body needs to get ready for sleep. Additionally, I noticed that after using the hot tub regularly before bed, I was falling into a deeper sleep. This meant I didn’t wake so easily, and often slept through the night. This amounts to improved quality of sleep.

Why is Sleep Deprivation So Bad?

Sleep deprivation, whether due to insomnia or other reasons, is very bad for your health. It can negatively impact your mental health, and leave you feeling tired all day. Of course, if you’re constantly tired, you are likely to be in a bad mood as well. This can create a strain on your social interactions with people. I also found that when I am sleep deprived, I tend to eat an unhealthy diet. I don’t know the logical or scientific reason behind this, but that’s just something I noticed.

My Hot Tub Method For Insomnia Relief

Before bedtime, I go for a short run around the block. If I have the time, I do a full work out. I then make sure that the hot tub is set to my desired temperature before heading into the shower to rinse off. Remember that you should always enter your hot tub when you’re clean, so it will stay clean too. After showering, I add relaxing essential oils to the water and get into the hot tub. I relax there for around 30 to 40 minutes. Once I’m done, I turn it off, check the pH and add sanitizer and pH balancing liquid. I cover up the hot tub, making sure it’s turned off, and wipe down the surroundings. Finally, I head straight to bed. With this routine, I am able to sleep up to 7 hours a night, without waking. This was a great improvement on my total of 4 hours of interrupted sleep!

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