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What to Do When a Loved One Is Facing Homicide Charges



Homicide Charges

Homicide Charges

Whether it’s murder, manslaughter, or other types of offenses, homicide is a grave crime in the state of California. If charges lead to conviction, your loved one could face severe penalties, ranging from up to 25 years in prison to life imprisonment and even the death penalty. The circumstances surrounding the death could mean the difference between the life and death of those accused of homicide.

Finding out your loved one is being accused of a serious crime can be confusing and scary. But facing these charges as the defendant is even more frightening. If a person you care about is facing homicide charges, there are a few things that you can do to offer them comfort and adequate assistance. When their fate seems uncertain, you can contact a Riverside Homicide defense specialist to protect their rights and represent them in court.

Learn as much as you can about the case

It can be difficult to get your thoughts together when your loved one could be facing life in prison or the death penalty. But keep in mind that the more information you collect about the case, the better you’ll be able to get their attorney up to speed. If the law enforcement officers left any documents or cards, keep them on hand for the lawyer to review.

Contact a criminal defense lawyer

One of the first things you should do is to contact a criminal defense lawyer. Since the criminal justice system is complex, navigating the legal process on your own would be a terrible idea that could cost your loved one’s freedom. When deciding who to trust with your loved one’s case, one of the first things that you need to consider is the attorney’s experience.

You need someone with extensive experience in homicide defense cases, equipped to handle the challenges in court. The lawyer must be able to protect your loved one’s best interests and represent them throughout every phase of the legal process. You must hire the right defense attorney to get your loved one’s case dismissed or to lower the severity of their sentence.

Find out what criminal charges your loved one is facing

If you’re lucky, a law enforcement officer may inform you what charges your loved one is facing. But if not, then you have to find out about it by going to the pretrial hearing. Homicide is defined as the killing of one human being by another. When it comes to these cases, the accused may be charged with different types of offenses. Understanding the difference between each case is vital to know the sentence your loved one could face and an effective legal defense they could use.

Homicide crimes may fall into these categories:

  • First-degree murder
  • Second-degree murder
  • Third-degree murder
  • Voluntary manslaughter
  • Involuntary manslaughter
  • Criminal vehicular homicide (CVO)

Familiarize yourself with the law and the court process

One of the best things you can do for your loved one is to familiarize yourself with California’s homicide laws. The court process can be confusing to someone with no background in the legal system. There are legal terms that a regular person may have never heard of in their everyday conversations.

By learning about these things and familiarizing yourself with the law, you can become an advocate for your loved one. As the court process goes on, you can ensure that you know and understand what’s going on at all times. That way, your loved one can depend on you for updates or explanations for things that may confuse them.

Find out when and where the trial will be

When someone is arrested for homicide charges, they will be taken before a judge for an initial appearance or pretrial hearing. In this stage, the accused will be informed of the charges they are facing and the rights they have under the law. Judges will also determine whether the accused will go to jail or be released pending trial, depending on the situation. After your loved one is arrested, you must quickly find out the date and location of the trial and call your trusted criminal defense attorney.

Attend the hearing

By attending the hearing, you can show your support to your loved one and obtain crucial information about their case. You should arrive at the courthouse with plenty of time to spare. If you’re asked to answer some questions, make sure your statements are as truthful and accurate as possible.

Facing a homicide charge will be one of the most difficult things that your loved one has to address. But with your support, they won’t have to handle this alone. If your loved one is accused of homicide crimes, consulting with a homicide defense specialist would be in their best interest. Not only will a criminal defense lawyer help protect their rights, but they could also help reduce your loved one’s sentence or even dismiss the charges.

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