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How to prepare a publication schedule



prepare a publication schedule

prepare a publication schedule

People who run profiles on social media are divided into two groups: those who conscientiously keep the publication schedule and those who add posts spontaneously (which does not mean that they do not have a good strategy). It is like buying a handy calendar – for some people, it is perfect for the whole year, others write down their relatives’ birthdays in January, and that’s if – they leave the remaining pages of the planner blank.

So let’s write it straight: if you are not the type of person who likes to plan, write down information, create tables, notes, and lists – don’t read this article. It’s a waste of your time because the schedule won’t work for you! However, we encourage you to read our other content, which deals with other aspects of marketing. Scheduling instagram posts helps you to get more reach and visibility.

What is the Social Media Publishing Schedule?

We explain briefly: this is a plan to publish posts that will appear on Facebook or Instagram of your restaurant shortly. Depending on your preferences, you mark what and when the post will be published, who its author is, and if necessary, you also give your comments. Is it possible to run a profile without a schedule? Yes, of course! However, we will try to show you how many benefits come from replenishing it.

They have prepared a ready schedule for you, dedicated to gastronomic establishments. They focused on it on Facebook, but don’t worry – you can easily adapt it to Instagram.

How does our schedule work?

It is a very simple and proven way by us! As always in our articles – we will show you an example.

Let’s start with the first verse.

  • DATE – enter the planned publication date of your post.
  • HOUR – and here the planned time of publication
  • THEME – in color (according to the legend below), select what the post is about. They offer seven categories, but of course, you can enter your own. If you have no experience in this field, we recommend using our suggestions at the beginning.

Legend by which you can tag the topic and type of posts.

Below you will find a brief explanation of what our criteria mean under each topic.

MENU – these are publications concerning dishes from your menu, i.e., all posts in which you present the dishes/drinks served at your place,

PROMOTION – if you write about discounts or discounts, e.g., for lunch – mark the content in purple,

TAKE OUT – here we mean posts that customers can order your meals to take away / with a delivery option.

INFORMATION – these are informative posts, e.g., opening hours of your restaurant or booking rules,

EMPLOYEES – content related to people who you are working with, i.e., a photo of the crew at work,

RESTAURANT – This is information about your premises, such as the genesis of its creation, new decor, or the 2nd anniversary of its opening,

GUESTS – everything that concerns your clients, i.e., the publication of their photos or opinions,

OTHER – other content that you cannot fit into the above categories.

The next column is TYPE. As in the case of the topic, mark it with a color (see the legend above). A type is just a type of post. They offer 11 types: photo, graphic, link (e.g., to YouTube), video (uploaded directly to Facebook), Boomerang, text only, poll, gif album, several photos, event, and LIVE recording. Of course, if you use another form of publication – feel free to add something from yourself.

The schedule prepared by us assumes 7 posts a week – you can modify this number accordingly by deleting unnecessary lines. At the bottom of the page, you will find 4 tabs – each of them has a schedule for the new week.

Tabs where you can find the schedule for a given week.

At the bottom of the schedule, we’ve put a surprise for you – we’ve gathered in one place links to programs and websites that can be useful for creating posts. We hope you will find them useful! In the line MY FONT, you can write down the font’s name that you put on the graphics and its size – using the same font is very important to keep the graphics you publish consistently.

Some Tips:

If you’re looking for Instagram photo tips to the next level, here are a few tips to get you started.

First, consider the composition of your photo. What do you want the viewer to see and how can you best frame it?

Next, think about the lighting. How can you use light to create a certain mood or effect in your photo?

Finally, don’t forget about the little details that can make a big difference. Pay attention to things like color, texture, and patterns when composing your shot.

By following these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to taking amazing Instagram photos that will get everyone talking.

Why is it worth keeping a schedule?

It performs several functions, the most important of which are:

  1. Assistance with the implementation of the strategy – if you determine that you publish 3 posts a week, one of which will always be on your menu – with a clear schedule, it will be easier for you to keep track of it.
  2. Avoiding monotony – by using colors, you can easily check what type of posts and their subject matter dominate your profile over even several weeks. So you can control it easily and avoid monotony.
  3. You can use it to analyze the results – you can see which content is more popular among your community and better to avoid.
  4. Makes it easier to analyze the best time to post – if you are still unsure when it is best to post, experiment (post once at 11 am, once at 9 pm) and after some time, check what time is the best to post your content.
  5. This is an excellent file to upload – you never know how your social media adventure will go – maybe a day will come when another person will take care of your profile. Or maybe you are already thinking about outsourcing the running of your restaurant profile to a specialist or social media specialist? Such a schedule will be a treasure for this person – it will help them analyze your activities so far. We know what we say because we do it ourselves. If you want to entrust us with the profile of your premises, write:
  6. Help with a graphic designer – if you work with someone who creates post graphics for you – offer him/her to work with the schedule! Such a person then knows what the post will be about and, most importantly – when the graphic must be ready. It will facilitate communication between you.
  7. Helps you draft ideas for posts – the client gave you a good idea for a post, and you wonder where to save it so as not to forget? Could you put it on the schedule?
  8. It has a lot of possibilities for modification – if you like the idea of ​​the schedule, you can customize it as you like. All you have to do is leave the concept, replace the content, and you can successfully use it, for example, when planning a Facebook Ads campaign.

Such a schedule may be a bit of a challenge at first, but trust us – after a week of working with it, you will get used to everything. And when, after 3 months of publication, you see colorful, filled-in columns from which you can get a lot of data – guaranteed satisfaction.

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