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How likely is jail time for first DUI Georgia?



How likely is jail time for first DUI Georgia?

How likely is jail time for first DUI Georgia?

The State of Georgia has strict DUI laws. If you have a first time DUI, chances are you will not spend any time in jail. But, if you are caught again, the consequences could be much more severe.

There are many factors that will affect your sentence, including whether or not this is your first DUI offense. The severity of the offense and the number of offenses can also play a role in how likely it is that you will face jail time for your first DUI Georgia.

How much is a DUI fine in Georgia?

A DUI is a serious offense that could cost you your driver’s license, your job, and even your life. The state of Georgia imposes fines for DUI to deter drunk driving.

The fine for a first-time offense in the state of Georgia is $300.00. And if you are convicted of two DUIs in ten years, then the fine will be increased to $600.00.

How long does a DUI stay open in Georgia?

If you are convicted of a DUI, your license will be suspended for at least one year. There are ways to get it back sooner, but you will need to take the proper steps.

You can also be sentenced to up to 12 months in prison and fined up to $1,000. If you were transporting a child at the time of your arrest, then this sentence can go up to 18 months in prison and $2,000 in fines.

The length of your DUI suspension is determined by how many prior convictions you have had within the past five years.

How much is Bond for DUI in Georgia?

DUI is a serious offense in Georgia. The consequences of DUI can be severe and include fines, jail time, and license suspension. If you are wondering how much is Bond for DUI in Georgia, it ranges from $1,000 to $5,000.

If you have been arrested for a DUI offense in the state of Georgia and want to know how much is Bond for DUI in Georgia, this article will give you dui help in Gwinnett.

Do I need a lawyer for a DUI in Georgia?

Driving drunk is a crime in most states. If you have been charged with DUI in Georgia, you should contact a lawyer as soon as possible.

A DUI can lead to fines and jail time. In Georgia, the penalties are even more severe if you have been charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol while transporting children.

If you want to be represented by an experienced lawyer, contact us today for a free consultation on your case!

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